제어 코드
#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython
from pybricks.hubs import EV3Brick
from pybricks.ev3devices import Motor,ColorSensor,InfraredSensor
from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase
from pybricks.parameters import Port, Stop, Direction, Button, Color
from pybricks.tools import wait, StopWatch, DataLog
# Initialize the motors.
L_motor = Motor(Port.A)
R_motor = Motor(Port.B)
# Initialize the color sensor.
line_sensor = ColorSensor(Port.S1)
# Initialize the drive base.
robot = DriveBase(L_motor, R_motor, wheel_diameter, axle_track)
### Calculate the light threshold. Choose values based on your measurements.
BLACK = 6 #6
WHITE = 58 # 55~64
# threshold ~~ target
threshold = (BLACK + WHITE) / 2.0
# Set the drive speed at 100 millimeters per second.
# Set the gain of the proportional line controller. This means that for every
# percentage point of light deviating from the threshold, we set the turn
# rate of the drivebase to 1.2 degrees per second.
# For example, if the light value deviates from the threshold by 10, the robot
# steers at 10*1.2 = 12 degrees per second.
# PID parameters
Kp = 3 #1.7 2.2 & threshold 2.0 2.8580
Ki = 0.04
Kd = 0.04
print("Kp= %f" %Kp)
print("Ki= %f" %Ki)
print("Kd= %f" %Kd)
deviation = 0.0
last_deviation = 0.0
acc_deviation = 0.0
dt = 0.05
count = 0
# Start following the line endlessly.
while True:
# Calculate the deviation from the threshold.
deviation = line_sensor.reflection() - threshold
#print("Color_reflection: ",line_sensor.reflection())
print("%f" %deviation)
print("T= %d" %count)
# PID calculation
#error = target - dist
diff = deviation - last_deviation
acc_deviation += deviation
P_control = Kp * deviation
I_control = Ki * acc_deviation *dt
D_control = Kd * diff / dt
control = P_control + I_control + D_control
# Calculate the turn rate.
#turn_rate = Kp * deviation
turn_rate = control
# Set the drive base speed and turn rate.
robot.drive(DRIVE_SPEED, turn_rate)
count += 1
# You can wait for a short time or do other things in this loop.
시험용 코드
#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython
import time
# PID parameters
Kp = 0.13
Ki = 0.000
Kd = 0.000
target = 150
error = 0.0
last_error = 0.0
acc_error = 0.0
dt = 0.004
vel = 180
# time
current_time= time.time()
start_time = current_time
while True:
dist = int(input())
# Filtering!
if dist > 600:
dist = 0
# PID calculation
error = target - dist
diff = error - last_error
acc_error += error
P_control = Kp * error
I_control = Ki * acc_error *dt
D_control = Kd * diff / dt
control = P_control + I_control + D_control
# Data record
print("%d " %dist)
print("%d " %time.time())
# too far
if dist == 0:
print("####left: %d" %vel)
print("####right: %d" %(vel+30))
# normal situation
print("##left: %d" %(vel+control))
print("##right: %d" %(vel-control))
last_error = error
end_time = time.time()
time_gap = end_time - start_time
if time_gap > 10:
print("Time Over")
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